Fireplace tea, ca. 50g, midi stand up pouch with label

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Midi stand up pouch made of cardboard. Advertising as label individual printable in 4c.
Ingredients fireplace tea: Hi­bis­cus flowers, Gin­ger, Ro­sehip shells, App­le, Car­rots, Oran­ge peels, na­tu­ral Fla­vor, Le­mon­grass, Corn­flowers, Chil­lies.
Beverages, Christmas, Vegan
Midi stand up pouch made of cardboard. Advertising as label individual printable in 4c.
Ingredients fireplace tea: Hi­bis­cus flowers, Gin­ger, Ro­sehip shells, App­le, Car­rots, Oran­ge peels, na­tu­ral Fla­vor, Le­mon­grass, Corn­flowers, Chil­lies.
More Information
General Info Best before: 24 months
Filling: Fireplace tea
Nutrition Ingredients fireplace tea: Hi­bis­cus flowers, Gin­ger, Ro­sehip shells, App­le, Car­rots, Oran­ge peels, na­tu­ral Fla­vor, Le­mon­grass, Corn­flowers, Chil­lies.
Technical Info Advertising space: 74 x 105 mm, Advertising as label individual printable in 4c.
Packaging: midi stand up pouch made of cardboard
Size: 110x185x25 mm
VPE: 50
Customs tariff number: 21012092
Country of origin: Germany
Delivery times 2-3 weeks after print approval + shipping